International Training Course
Climate Change Impacts: Assessment and Communication
This is the first course of the Training Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture (PACC/RRC), funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and realized by the World Meteorological Organization in collaboration with the Regional Training Center in Italy IBIMET-CNR and the AGRHYMET Regional Centre in Niger.
- Docente: Edmondo Di Giuseppe

2nd MedCOF Training Workshop
15 - 18 November 2016
National Research Council (CNR)
Rome, Italy
- Director: Marina Baldi
- Trainer: Caio Augusto Dos Santos Coelho
- Trainer: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Trainer: Elena Rapisardi
- Lecturer: Panos Athanasiadis
- Lecturer: Peter Bissolli
- Lecturer: Anca Brookshaw
- Lecturer: Jean-Pierre Ceron
- Lecturer: Silvio Gualdi
- Lecturer: Stefano Materia
- Lecturer: Ernesto Rodriguez Camino

This Distance Learning Course (DLC) on "Seasonal Forecasts and Water Management in the Mediterranean Basin: Integrated Approach" is mandatory to partecipate to the face-to-face course that will take place in Florence from the 19 to the 23 October 2015.
Every trainer is invited to participate and complete the course to access to the face-to-face course.
- Trainer: Maurizio Bacci
- Trainer: Edmondo Di Giuseppe
- Trainer: Stefanie GUBLER
- Trainer: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Trainer: Sara QUARESIMA
- Trainer: Elena Rapisardi
- Trainer: Caterina Ricci
- Lecturer: Daniele Mastrangelo
- Lecturer: Valentina Pavan

- Director: Marina Baldi
- Trainer: Maurizio Bacci
- Trainer: Edmondo Di Giuseppe
- Trainer: Edoardo Fiorillo
- Trainer: Daniele Mastrangelo
- Trainer: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Trainer: Valentina Pavan
- Trainer: Elena Rapisardi
- Trainer: Vieri Tarchiani
- Lecturer: Alessandra Giannini

International Training Course
Climate Change Impacts: Assessment and Communication
This is the first course of the Training Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture (PACC/RRC), funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and realized by the World Meteorological Organization in collaboration with the Regional Training Center in Italy IBIMET-CNR and the AGRHYMET Regional Centre in Niger.
- Docente: Maurizio Bacci
- Docente: Edmondo Di Giuseppe
- Docente: Roberto Ferrise
- Docente: Edoardo Fiorillo
- Docente: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Docente: Elena Rapisardi
- Docente: Vieri Tarchiani
- Invited Speaker: Claudio Cassardo
- Invited Speaker: EMMANUEL OLADIPO
- Invited Speaker: Federica Zabini

The DLC is mandatory to participate to the face to face Training Course.The course is considered finished only when you complete the DLC Evaluation and the Feedback. You can access to these activities only when you completed all the lessons. They must be completed within the 11th of November 2016 at h17:00 UTC+2. You are going to receive a Badge once completed the Feedback.
- Trainer: Maurizio Bacci
- Trainer: Marina Baldi
- Trainer: Edmondo Di Giuseppe
- Trainer: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Trainer: Elena Rapisardi
- Lecturer: Stefanie GUBLER
- Lecturer: Daniele Mastrangelo
- Lecturer: Valentina Pavan
- Lecturer: Katrin Sedlmeier
- Lecturer: Vieri Tarchiani

- Docente: Maurizio Bacci
- Docente: Marina Baldi
- Docente: Elena Rapisardi
- Docente: Francesco Sabatini
- Docente: Vieri Tarchiani
- Docente: Carlotta Zini
- Invited Speaker: Elena Belcore
- Invited Speaker: Marta Chiesi
- Invited Speaker: Edmondo Di Giuseppe
- Invited Speaker: Camilla Dibari
- Invited Speaker: Roberto Ferrise
- Invited Speaker: Valentina Grasso
- Invited Speaker: Patrick Parrish
- Invited Speaker: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Invited Speaker: Leandro Rocchi
- Invited Speaker: Federica Zabini
- Invited Speaker: Alessandro Zaldei
Distance Learning Course - International Training Course on Climate Services for Disaster Prevention

Climate Services for Disaster Prevention
- Trainer: Maurizio Bacci
- Trainer: Edmondo Di Giuseppe
- Trainer: Edoardo Fiorillo
- Trainer: Daniele Mastrangelo
- Trainer: Patrick Parrish
- Trainer: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Trainer: Valentina Pavan
- Trainer: Elena Rapisardi
- Trainer: Vieri Tarchiani
- Trainer: Moussa Waongo

The purpose of this week-long course is to build capacities for the application of climate seasonal forecasts for water management in the Mediterranean countries.
Climatic variability and related risks are affecting water availability for multipurpose uses, while the water demand is dramatically rising. Agriculture is just one of the many sectors demanding an improvement in water management, being in competition with other economic activities where water uses ensure greater economic value such as energy, tourism, industry.
Since the late 90’s seasonal forecasts experienced a growing role, despite the large uncertainties still present. Recent advances in seasonal to interannual hydro-climatic predictions provide an opportunity for developing a proactive approach towards water management. Precipitation and temperature anomalies knowledge, available a few months early, could be useful for technical services and organizations on managing water resources. At the same time, methods and scientific results are still underexploited and not easily accessible and comprehensible for potential users.
According with the Global Framework for Climate Services, the course addresses the need to develop mechanisms for delivery of climate services for water managers and usersand for enabling risk mitigation strategies at various levels and identifying research and transfer demand by end-users. This training course will contribute to the strengthening of existing regional networks for the application of seasonal forecast (MedCOF, PRESANORD, SEECOF).
- Trainer: Marina Baldi
- Trainer: Edmondo Di Giuseppe
- Trainer: Stefanie GUBLER
- Trainer: Massimiliano Pasqui
- Trainer: Sara QUARESIMA
- Trainer: Elena Rapisardi
- Lecturer: Lazreg Benaichata
- Lecturer: Riccardo Benedetti
- Lecturer: Carlo Buontempo
- Lecturer: Fabio Castelli
- Lecturer: Roberto Ferrise
- Lecturer: Ramona MAGNO
- Lecturer: Daniele Mastrangelo
- Lecturer: Asunción Pastor
- Lecturer: Valentina Pavan
- Lecturer: Christel Prudhomme
- Lecturer: Paolo Ruti
- Lecturer: Giulia Villani